Aircraft refueling in harsh climatic conditions

Sleeves for refueling civil aircraft on the ground

The company "Balticflex" is one of the leading Russian companies in the manufacture of products for refueling civil aircraft on the ground. This is another example of the company, thanks to which it has earned a reputation as a reliable partner.

Task: aircraft refueling in harsh climatic conditions.

In the zones of distribution of the subarctic and arctic climate, everything should be carefully designed taking into account the upcoming operation in extreme climatic conditions. This applies, inter alia, to refueling equipment for aircraft, which must constantly evolve and be improved with the calculation of the characteristics of the application and maintenance at all stages.

Conventional hose or metal pipes that must be connected to the tanker nozzle are not able to cope with temperatures from −23 to −41 ° C and headwinds, whose speed can reach 38 m / s. Large expenses are needed to improve the quality of materials, to introduce non-destructive testing of manufactured products, including pipe fittings, for special operating conditions.

Unlike steel analogs, polymer pipelines allow operation in any climatic conditions - they are efficient even at -60 ° C. Sleeves retain elasticity in the whole range of operating temperatures and tightness when the pumped product is frozen.

Thanks to the implementation of the MTS system, the planned indicators were met, and the financial costs were significantly reduced.
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